Promotional announcement
Friday, May 17th, 2019
Clay Sparkman We have run this program on several occasions, and we are so excited about this specific niche that we are going to run it again in honor and celebration of summer. As a private money construction lender, we’re able to provide a variety of creative solutions that are just not available via more […]
Tags: Colorado, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money investing, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Friday, April 5th, 2019
S. Clay Sparkman Once again it is spring, and that means that its time for the builders season to get underway. We finance new construction, but have also done a great many small rehab projects over the years. The numbers indicate that rehab activity is down generally over this past few years. If I were […]
Tags: construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Multifamily, Nevada, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Friday, December 7th, 2018
S. Clay Sparkman As December typically slows down, we often find ourselves torn between (a) just enjoying the holidays, and (b) keeping the business up and running at an acceptable level. (I’ve been through 24 holiday seasons with Fairfield, and it seems like it is always a challenge figuring out how to strategically approach December.) […]
Tags: hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
Clay Sparkman Quick flips, rehabs, temporary acquisition loans, short sales, and bridge loans are among the many short-term loans that we most like to do. Until now, we have made many such loans, and we have done so as follows: 5 points, 12-13% interest (on most loans), a one-year term, and with no prepayment penalties. […]
Tags: Colorado, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Tuesday, June 5th, 2018
Clay Sparkman It seems that quick flips are becoming quite common again, with the regular small-time investor. This is a favorite niche of ours. We particularly like to make these loans happen. As you probably know, we work with a lot of people who are doing quick flip properties/projects. That means: buying low, generally fixing […]
Tags: construction loans, finding lenders, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Wednesday, December 6th, 2017
Clay Sparkman We at Fairfield would like to run a special loan program to give this holiday season (and the sluggish period typically coming out of it) a kick in the butt. Hey, we can celebrate with our families and friends, and still get a few things setup and ready to go in 2018, right? […]
Tags: Colorado, Commercial loans, construction loans, finding lenders, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Wednesday, July 26th, 2017
Clay Sparkman We have run this construction loan program on several occasions, and we are so excited about this specific niche that we are going to run a similar promotion in honor and celebration of summer. As a private money construction lender, we’re able to provide a variety of creative solutions that are just not […]
Tags: commercial lenders, Commercial loans, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate, real estate investing, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Tuesday, January 10th, 2017
Clay Sparkman We have run this construction loan program on several occasions, and we are so excited about this specific niche that we are going to run a similar promotion to get the year off to a good start for all of us. After all, at least in the more moderate climates, now is the […]
Tags: Commercial loans, construction loans, finding lenders, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, Washington
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Tuesday, June 14th, 2016
Clay Sparkman We are running several new promotions, primarily aimed at real estate investors, to really get costs down on financing and thus open up the possibility for more profitable deals. Last week I put up a blog post about a 12% and 2 point offering. This week I’m putting up an alternative offer: 7% […]
Tags: auction buying, California, commercial lenders, Commercial loans, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Multifamily, Nevada, New York, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Wednesday, June 8th, 2016
Clay Sparkman We are running a new promotion, primarily aimed at real estate investors, to really get costs down on financing and thus open up the possibility for more profitable deals. This is the best that we have ever offered, and we are running it in order to bring in new borrowers and give them […]
Tags: broker referrals, California, commercial lenders, Commercial loans, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Multifamily, Nevada, New York, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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