Posts Tagged ‘Las Vegas’
Friday, February 14th, 2020
S. Clay SparkmanJust about every broker should have a private money option to go to. Here are a few quick tips on how to get that going.(1) Find a Lending source that you like and trust. Also, make sure that they will work with you, guiding you through the process AND giving you quick feedback […]
Tags: Colorado, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Multifamily, Nevada, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Friday, May 17th, 2019
Clay Sparkman We have run this program on several occasions, and we are so excited about this specific niche that we are going to run it again in honor and celebration of summer. As a private money construction lender, we’re able to provide a variety of creative solutions that are just not available via more […]
Tags: Colorado, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money investing, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Friday, April 5th, 2019
S. Clay Sparkman Once again it is spring, and that means that its time for the builders season to get underway. We finance new construction, but have also done a great many small rehab projects over the years. The numbers indicate that rehab activity is down generally over this past few years. If I were […]
Tags: construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Multifamily, Nevada, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Tuesday, March 19th, 2019
Clay Sparkman Summer is just around the corner! In the Pacific Northwest, that means it is time to play–or for those who are investing in real estate projects, perhaps the reprieve from the rain means that it’s time to get to work on purchase and rehab projects. As much as 80% of the loans that […]
Tags: Colorado, commercial lenders, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Friday, January 18th, 2019
Clay Sparkman Here is an updated version of Fairfield’s Rehab and Construction Loan FAQ. One of the most promising areas, at the moment, for real estate investors and brokers, by all indications, is REO, rehab, and quick flip of properties. The opportunity to buy distressed properties at a low price point is evident in many markets. […]
Tags: Colorado, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate, real estate investing, rehab loans, Washington
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Friday, December 7th, 2018
S. Clay Sparkman As December typically slows down, we often find ourselves torn between (a) just enjoying the holidays, and (b) keeping the business up and running at an acceptable level. (I’ve been through 24 holiday seasons with Fairfield, and it seems like it is always a challenge figuring out how to strategically approach December.) […]
Tags: hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Monday, November 26th, 2018
S. Clay Sparkman Just about every broker should have a private money option to go to. Here are a few quick tips on how to get that going. (1) Find a Lending source that you like and trust. Also, make sure that they will work with you, guiding you through the process AND giving you […]
Tags: Colorado, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Multifamily, Nevada, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Wednesday, August 16th, 2017
Clay Sparkman I try to keep an eye out for good information on the status of property flipping. Here are a few things that I have come across recently. With regard to the best cities for home flipping (as of May): The 25 Best Cities for Flipping a House Taylor Tepper at Money May 25, […]
Tags: commercial lenders, Commercial loans, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Nevada, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Wednesday, July 26th, 2017
Clay Sparkman We have run this construction loan program on several occasions, and we are so excited about this specific niche that we are going to run a similar promotion in honor and celebration of summer. As a private money construction lender, we’re able to provide a variety of creative solutions that are just not […]
Tags: commercial lenders, Commercial loans, construction loans, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate, real estate investing, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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Wednesday, January 4th, 2017
Clay Sparkman This article, The Search for a Better Loan, published in Scotsman Guide, should be useful to most Brokers trying to juggle the needs and interests of investment property borrowers. Scotsman Guide is an excellent resource available online, with good articles and excellent information regarding different types of commercial money sources and particulars regarding […]
Tags: auction buying, bank loans, commercial lenders, Commercial loans, construction loans, finding lenders, hard money borrowing, hard money brokering, hard money loans, Idaho, Las Vegas, Montana, Multifamily, Nevada, New York, Oregon, private money borrowing, private money brokering, private money loans, Quick flip loans, real estate investing, real estate rental, rehab loans, REO funding, Short sales, Washington
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